TESOL Italy’s 47th National Convention, entitled “Promoting HOPE in ELT”, will be held virtually on November 18-19, 2022.
This year’s convention will be focused on the thematic areas explained by the acronym HOPE:
- Human Rights
- Oracy Skills
- Professional Development
- Educational Values
Special reduction fees (€30,00) will be granted to ANILS members, who can also join the free Pre-Conference event which will be livestreamed on Thursday, 17th November 2022.
Roberto Di scala, one of our referents for the English network, will participate as a speaker with the following intervention “Being onesELF. Finding one’s voice through Civics“, which is scheduled on Friday 18.11.22 from 2 to 2.45 p.m
Click here to register to the Convention: https://forms.gle/y3DR8Jw5CuWq49F46
The link to the platform will be sent a few days before the event.