We would like to inform you of a special discount for ANILS Members for TESOL Italy’s 46th National Convention: “Disruptive Innovations in ELT” which will be held virtually on 19-20th November, 2021.
Given the special cooperative relationship between TESOL Italy and ANILS over the years, we are delighted to offer all ANILS members the discounted Convention fee that we normally apply to other ELT organisations that are affiliated with TESOL Italy.
A full description of the Convention title and subthemes and the ‘Steps in Submitting a Presentation Proposal’ notes may be found at: https://tesolitaly.org/conventions/tesol-italy-convention-2021/
For any of your members who may be interested in submitting a proposal to present a talk, a workshop, a panel or a poster session at the convention (live or pre-recorded), they may fill out the Call for Papers Submission form https://forms.gle/xcZLFFRqKdfA9uPR8 by June 30th, 2021 stating they are a member of your association.
Via Boncompagni, 2 00187 – ROME
Tel. +39 06 46742432
Fax +39 06 46742478
E-mail: tesolitaly@gmail.com
Web site: www.tesolitaly.org