SYMPOSIUM Teaching CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) remotely

11th Virtual Round Table Web Conference 
Friday, 8 May 2020, 4:30pm GMT
SYMPOSIUM Teaching CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) remotely

Letizia Cinganotto, Italy
Daniela Cuccurullo, Italy
Moderation: Helena Galani, Greece

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is becoming more and more popular in Europe and in the world. Starting from the state of the art of CLIL in Italy, where it has been compulsory since 2010, the pillars of CLIL will be highlighted, mentioning the added value of some of the teaching techniques and strategies adopted in a CLIL environment.
The main challenges linked to COVID-19 emergency will be mentioned, providing suggestions, links, repositories and webtools that could be useful to teach CLIL remotely during these unprecedented times.

Letizia Cinganotto is a full time Researcher at INDIRE (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research), Italy. She holds a PhD in synchronic, diachronic and applied Linguistics and has far-reaching experience in continuous professional development for teachers and head teachers. She is a member of different working groups and scientific committees on CLIL and languages both at national and international level (Italian Ministry of Education, European Commission, OCSE, Council of Europe, ECML). She has presented papers at national and international conferences and published articles and chapters in peer-reviewed journals and recently three volumes on CLIL. She is a member of the ECML “Pluriliteracies” consultancy team.

Daniela Cuccurullo is Adjunct Professor of English and of didactics and multimedia teaching at the University of Naples, School teacher of English, teacher trainer, e-tutor, forum moderator and author of digital contents.
Engaged in research on teaching English as a second language through multimedia and CALL/MALL/MALU, she has presented papers at national and international conferences and is the author of essays on didactics and English literature, reviews and translations. She has planned, coordinated and taught CLIL courses at International, national and local levels. She is TESOL Italy second Vice President.

